Praise be to God that because of Him, today I am able to share my story of how God’s love has healed me. On Wednesday, 29 July 2015 during the 1st Miracle Service held by COG (Cathedral of Glory), I was instantly healed of rheumathoid arthritis (RA)!
I was diagnosed with RA in 1994. Although the blood test did not confirm the diagnosis, the physical exam and other tests showed symptoms of the disease. There is NO cure for this chronic disease. With that, I began a life-long journey of drug treatment. Initially, I was prescribed Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. The side effects of NSAIDs include ringing in your ears, stomach irritation, heart problems, liver and kidney damage. I also had to go for consultations with the Head of the Orthopaedic department once every six weeks and this went on for many years. Subsequently, the conditioned worsened and I was given steroids on top of the NSAIDs. Of course, the side effects of steroids were much more and much worse (e.g. diabetes, weight gain, thinning of bones) than the NSAIDs! Then more drugs were added: Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). All these powerful drugs were to slow the progression of RA and save the joints and other tissues from permanent damage. I also had steroid injections on my wrists and knee. One day, when I was told that the drugs were no longer as effective and I might have to have knee surgery, I freaked out and stopped seeing the doctor! Through some persuasion by TL, my husband, I sought a second and third opinion from different specialists who all told me the same diagnosis. So I started the same old treatment all over again but with a private doctor this time. I was given some new drugs but I had to stop treatment immediately due to hair loss and liver problems (side effects of drug). I had also sought other forms of treatment: acupuncture, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, osteopathy, Chinese traditional medicine. Nothing worked!
For twenty-one years, I lived with this condition of pain, immobility and inflammation. The good days were when I could walk for 30 minutes without extreme pain in my ankles and knees or I could carry the grocery bag without my wrist swelling after that. The bad days were when I lifted up my toothbrush and screamed in pain or was bedridden for days. I was always the first in the office to fall ill during the flu period. I almost maximized my sick leave entitlement each year. Thank God I worked under superiors who were Christians, so they were gracious regarding my situation. There were more bad days than good days…once the situation was so bad that TL had to carry me two floors up! Daily chores like opening a jar, wringing dry the dishcloth, washing your mug were extremely difficult for me to do without feeling intense pain and most of the time, I could not do it. It was a challenge for me to get out of bed everyday due to the stiffness and pain. It took hours for the stiffness and pain to subside every day. I was living in pain 24/7!
In 2007, my doctor said that my condition had worsened and I would need to consider a course of treatment of self-injections or come to the hospital ward for drug infusion. I really felt so hopeless then and I got so mad that I went home and threw all my medication down the rubbish chute! Please note that this was not inspired by God! It was done out of hopelessness, anger and misery. In the next couple of months, I suffered tremendously as all these years, the drugs were suppressing the pain and slowing the progression of RA and now without the drugs, my whole body was in immense pain. I could barely walk for the first week: my legs felt like it weighed a ton. Looking back, I also realised I went into depression for about a year. I went for osteopathic treatment to get pain relief.
In November 2012, we were led by the Lord to COG. I noted that my condition got better over time as I learn to develop a new relationship with God through the Word, fasting and praying in the Spirit. I went for numerous prayer walks and altar buildings with the ministry. Interestingly, my joints would swell up just before each altar building trip but during the trip, I experienced minimal pain which enabled me to complete the tasks involved in the trips. I believe it was the grace of God which protected me from falling or getting injured. I was still experiencing pain from my neck to my feet each day but there was slight improvement to the pain intensity.
When we received the revelations and teachings of the new heaven and new earth and the seven times glory, my faith built up more and more. But yet, I still had pain in my body. I began meditating on the healing scriptures daily. I did all that I best knew how, yet the pain was there. When we learnt about the Miracle Healing services, I was so excited and looking forward to my healing. We had a preparation meeting on June 24. A sister got healed of her back problem that evening but I went home still with pain. At that point, I told the Lord this “Lord, You know that I love You and You know that even if I didn't get healed, I will still love You. You have saved me and given me eternal life, for that I am so grateful. To know that You love me first is more than anything I could ever ask for. However, I believe You will heal me. But I want You to know if by some divine reason, I don't receive my healing, I will still love You.” I felt the peace of God after that. I also began to proclaim the written word of God (as per meditation scriptures) and the spoken Word of God through dreams I received and from Pastor Johann. I had dreams of myself running. I also saw in a vision, my scroll in heaven and when Pastor Johann handed it to me, I noted there was a red string tied to my scroll. Pastor Johann later explained that the red string was regarding my healing.
On 27 July, we had a prayer meeting in preparation for the first Miracle Service. That night, I fell under the power of God. As I laid on the floor, a strong energy/force pushed my neck from left to right vigorously, then what felt like a long heavy roller rolled from my neck to my waist. It was very uncomfortable and I wanted to get up. But I could not get up and I knew it was the angels working on me (I saw in a vision a huge angel’s wing next to where I laid). Next, heat stirred up in my belly and it went down through both my legs to my feet. It felt like megawatts of electric current! The next day, I got up and there was still pain! I started to confess the written and spoken Word to keep my faith up! That evening after the second prayer meeting, as I was leaving the church premise, Pastor Johann came from behind me, took my hand and said “Expect to receive your miracle tomorrow night. You will be healed” I think my faith level shot up to the heavens! In my heart, I said “Lord, I believe.” (Mark 11:24)
On 29 July 2015, as you can view from the recorded video, I was INSTANTLY healed of every pain in my body, from the top of my head to the sole of my feet! That night I did not feel any strong anointing or energy, all I felt was God’s love! I was so overwhelmed by His love. He did not just heal me physically but also healed my soul. I have been set free indeed. For the first time after twenty-one years, I am pain FREE! Romans 8:28 says “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long.
Melissa Chor