
Melissa was healed of her arthritis pain which plagued most of her body for last 20 years. When the power of God came on her, she knelt immediately in a position which is never possible for her as her joints are mostly stiff. Strength came to her joints and muscles, and she ran on the spot, and then quickly around the auditorium.... something she can never do in the past. She is now pain-free and loving every moment of it. Praise the Lord! You can read her story in her own words here.

Melissa’s healing

Mr Quek
(Regina Quek’s brother) testimony:
"Early this year, I was hospitalised for 2 weeks. Nothing my doctor gave me made any difference. I had x-ray, CT scan etc, that showed nothing. 
Day by day my health deteriorated. I was desperate and planned to see the doctor again.  However on the day of my appointment , my sister informed me about the miracle service. So I decided to go for the service instead.
At the service, Pastor released strength/energy over the congregation and I received it by faith. It was only 3 days later that I realised I was completely healed and regained my strength/energy back to normal"

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