Joyce Tay

Dear Pastor Johann 

Thank you for your concern & prayers. I wish to share with you our God's mighty hand at work from 29/12/2015 to 02/02/2016. Although it is only a short period of 36 days, this is a huge "Faith test" for me. Together with my sisters, Doreen & Joan, we started to pray immediately & fought the battle together in prayers agreement.(Matt18:19) & received God's strength, heard His voice & encouragement during this difficult time. 

29/12/2015 (Diagnose with stage3) Pastor Johann & my sisters Doreen & Joan started to pray & intercede. God told Doreen to fast 2 days for me (29/12 to 30/12/2015). & during these 2 days, she heard from God- "NEW LIFE" & the song "The Lord healed thee" 

31/12/2015 (CT Scan on Chest, Abdomen & Pelvis)I went for the CT scan & while Joan was waiting for me outside the xray room, she received God's word-"YOU ONLY NEED TO GIVE THANKS". 

04/01/2016 (Bone scan)I went for Bone test. The Radiographer told me that he needed to check for any disease in the bone.I rebuked in Jesus' name & told him, "It's negative". Joan started to pray for me outside the xray room & 5 mins into prayer, she again received God's word -"GIVE THANKS". I was asked to wait for an hour after the xray to allow the consultant to check the film. The radiographer came back & said "Jesus has saved you." **Praise God. 

06/01/2016 (Final test results on the CT scan Chest,Abdomen&Pelvic & Bone)The word "All IS WELL" was spoken to Joan in the morning before we receive the result in the afternoon from the doctor. Remark: NEGATIVE RESULTS (Reports attached) because God has intervened & stopped the disease from spreading to the Chest, Abdomen, Pelvic & Bone. Praise & Glory to God forever. 

10/01/2016 (sunday)Pastor Johann prayed & anointed me."GOD SAVE YOU NOW. " & i will not die , i will serve God together with my sisters Doreen & Joan. 

15/01/2016 (Surgery)To remove lump on the right B & a tiny one on the left B. God's presence was with me. No dreams, no fear, it was very peaceful & when I woke up on the same day, I refused to take pain killer medicine since there was no pain. 

17/01/2016 (sunday service)Joan was in church that day, Pastor Johann prayed for Joan & at the same time, told her to go home & put the anointing oil on my head. As she prayed for me, she received God's word "COMPLETE". 

31/01/2016 (Pastor Johann called Joan)"Tell your sister, there were 4 angels ministering to her on 10/01/2016 (Sunday). Joan told Pastor about chemo stuff , he said "No worry". *Remark: Thanks Pastor Johann, your call is timely. An appointment date was fixed on 02/02/2016 to see the doctor after the surgery. I prayed & told The Lord that 02/02/2016 will be my last visit to the hospital. I don't want chemo or medicine because God has already healed me. It is completed & sealed in heaven on 10/01/2016. My sister,Doreen also interceded 2days before 02/02/2016 & told me that the hospital will arrange for me to go for Chemo treatment but God's word came to her "Say No to the devil". 

02/02/2016 (See doctor after the surgery)Another miracle happened. The tissue on my left B was was tested NEGATIVE. (Report attached) The right B tissue was removed & cleared. **Praise God.The LORD has healed & took away the disease completely on my left B. Doctor said it is now stage 2 instead of 3. THE HAND OF THE LORD IS POWERFUL. 

10/02/2016 (Chemo & medication appointment)Hospital's staff & doctor called me on 10/02 &11/02 regarding the chemo treatment. By faith, I rejected chemo & medication in Jesus' name because my God had already healed me on10/01/16. **THE LORD IS MY HEALER, God has given me 'NEW LIFE', -New Organs, New Blood, New Tissue, New Bone. **HE is the Living God working in my life. I thank God for His grace & mercy upon me.He gives me "New Life". Job 33:4 "The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life". I will serve my God together with my sisters Doreen & Joan & also Michael in the 'white building' until the time of the end. Isaiah 41:9-10 ALL HONOR & GLORY BELONG TO GOD. WITHOUT GOD NOTHING IS POSSIBLE. 

Thank you Pastor Johann, 

God bless you, Joyce 11/02/2016

* Medical reports

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