Angela Lim

Angela Lim, 85 years old, was diagnosed with colonrectal cancer stage 1 on 26 November 2015. Two medical specialists confirmed that she has to go for a surgery to prevent spread of cancer cell. A surgery was scheduled for 28 December 2015. 

While her family members knew that she will not likely survive the surgery procedure, they followed the Specialists’ recommendation, while submitting the situation to the Lord. The surgery could not proceed as Angela was not fit due to pneumonia. The family decided not to proceed with the surgery, but do colonoscopy every 6 months. 

During the 27 May 2016 miracle service, her daughter responded to the altar call in proxy for cancer healing.

On 01 June 2016, Angela received a cancer clearance with colonoscopy results showing no signs of polyps or cancer tumours.

All glory to God in the highest!

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