My father is 81years old, having a urinary problem because his bladder nerve cannot contract. This makes him lost the feeling of peeing even when the bladder is full. All doctors come to the conclution of that my father is suffering from the osteoporosis in his back that pinched his bladder and colon nerve. They said there is no other way but to give him nerve contraction medicine (ubretid) and wait until the nerve responds again to contraction. It’s been 2 weeks since consuming the medicine, and we praised God that the colon's nerve started responding but the bladder's nerve did not. My father still has to depend on the caretaker. He is very low and down, and when I pray for him I can feel a little bit heavy. I told him about the miracle healing and he is very open. We desperately need miracle healing and God knows, pls pray for the miracle healing for my father, thank you very much. Jesus bless you.
Lidia Linda Tjo (2 June 2016)
Dear All,
All Praised Honor and Glory to Our Awesome God forever and ever, Amen!
Thank you so much to all who pray for my father's miracle healing, since about 2 weeks ago he can normally pee and poop.
God is Great! Thank you Pastor Johan, Pastor Eddy and Cynthia.
Jesus Bless You all. Hope to see you guys in September in Singapore.
Lidia Linda Tjo (18 July 2016)